The Final Countdown

In a little more than a week, I will be on the road to the Twin Cities to go see Bruce Springsteen from the front row (beside the stage).  I will come home, work one day and then be off on a plane to Australia.




I need this getaway.  I need to be away from work.  Though I have only been here for nine months less a week, I am crispy fried from stress of it all.   It’s been a crazy nine months with one hell of a learning curve.  I’m thankful for the experience and am generally enjoying my time, but I’m also feeling the need to take of for awhile and regenerate a bit.

The plans for Minneapolis are pretty low key.  Checking out some local music with my dad, eating at some of my favourite places, stocking up on Trader Joe’s and doing a little bit of shopping (given the crazy low value of the dollar).  The hotel my dad and I are staying at has a great looking gym, so I plan on taking advantage of that.

I’m hoping that my flight to Aus will go quickly and I will luck out and have nobody sitting next to me on my flight from Vancouver to Sydney.  It’s approximately 14 hours long and it’s significantly more pleasant when you don’t have to worry about being sardined in with random strangers and their weird sleeping habits (oh could I tell you stories).

I will leave Vancouver around 11pm local time on Wednesday and arrive in Sydney around 10:30 on Friday morning.  No real plans that day except hang with my bestie and try to stay awake in order to reduce the impact of jet lag.

My time in Aus is gong to be focused around spending time with my friends and their families.  We are doing an uber swanky dinner at a top chef restaurant called Quay on Saturday that we have had reservations since July.  🙂  I cannot wait. 🙂

There will be time spent at the beach and enjoying the glorious touristy spots of Sydney.  Time cuddling my adopt a nieces.  Time spent doing the most mundane things like watching TV and eating nachos and guac and drinking wine with my bestie because that is something we only get to do on the rarest of occasions.  We plan on watching Walking Dead, 11.22.63…and well if the kiddos around, I’m thinking Frozen and Cinderella. 🙂

So when things get hairy over the remaining eight days of work , I will think of these awesome things…and try to keep calm.  Wish me luck!

~Princess Lisa


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